Facebook, Twitter etc. Corporate color list of SNS site
最終更新日 - 公開日 2016.12.24
We summarized the corporate color of social networking service.
- Facebook #3b5998
- Twitter #1da1f2
- Instagram Purple #6634e1 Red #ff3a49 Yellow #ffda75
- twitch #6441a4
- feedly #8ABE4C
- Google+ #db4437
- Hatena Book Mark #008FDE
- LINE #1DCD00
- pixiv #0088B9
- Pinterest #CC1F27
- Pocket #ee4056
- tumblr #36465D
- mixi #e0c074
- YouTube #E62117
- dribbble #EA4C89
- Flickr Blue #0063DB Pink #FF0084
We introduced corporate color of social networking service site.